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A. Hitler
G.W. Bush & Bin Laden
C. de Gaulle
Marx & Lenin
Jesus Christus
Mao Zedong
N. Sarkozy & C. Bruni

More to come...

Christophe Bruno
(Jan. 2004 - Mar. 2010)

In March 2010 at Ars Longa


The day I killed postmodernity before it was even invented
Charles de Gaulle
Paris - Baden Baden, May 29, 1968

In May 1968, I organized my own disappearance to study the effect of the presence/absence phenomenon (fort/da) on a selected network of people that I used to be close to, with a love/hate relationship.

The resulting piece consisted in the study of the evolution of this network of people and the phase transition (from chaos to order) that followed the disappearance.
  De Gaulle